User Help
Using KwikFinder is as easy as 1 2 3.....
Simple Search
Step 1: Select a State/Territory ,
Step 2: Select a particular Category, then
Step 3: Sit back and pick your Business from the resulting list!
Nothing could be easier than that!
Advanced Search
An Advanced Seach button enables the user to select the following criteria to narrow the results;
Select your Region,Suburbor postcode to find a Business listied in the selected Category.
Example: Looking for a Photographer that services your Region. You simply select your Region ie: (Dandenongs) and select the Category (Photographer) then SEARCH and all Photographers that service the (Dandenongs) region will be listed in your search resuts.
Future Planned Advanced Search Options:
Post Code
The user can specify a postcode if they know their preferred area for their supplier.
Business Name
The user can enter a business name or part of a name, particularly handy if a name is known but the location is not. The search engine will only display busineses that have the exact name specified or a very similar name, narrowing down the results.
If you have any difficulties and need more help please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Kwik Finder Team
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